Petting Zoo

Popular activity for the whole family

Petting Zoo - Animal Zoo

Unfortunately, the petting zoo is closed in season 2024

Unfortunately, due to flooding, we have had to close down the area where our goats and donkeys have been living. However, we are working on establishing a new area that we expect to have ready for the 2025 season. The animals are well and have been moved to a location outside the resort, and we hear they can’t wait to come back 🙂


At Feddet Strand Resort there is plenty of space to play and if you love animals, the animal pen behind the activity house is a great place to be.

It is in the animal pen, our goats Ea, Erik, Emma, Eilif & Ellen live. The newest shot on the trunk is our kid, named Egon and Emil. They are all really happy to receive visits, especially if you have treats with you.

You can also meet our cute donkeys named Speedy, Chilli, Cayenne & Oda.

You are welcome to feed the animals, but only with carrots and in small varieties. You can also cuddle with them if done carefully.


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